These peas are from last summer. I can't wait for peas again. I've been thinking about how much food represents what is going on in my life. I must wait for peas like these because right now, my life is lived in spring. But I can't dwell on what I can't have. I have to take each bite now. Savor it. Much like the air I breathe, it is all I have. This being said, I relish in the truth of being told "you are what you eat" by Brillat-Savarin and everyone who has agreed with him since he declared it. Perhaps it's because I see myself in the foods I eat that I dwell on them so much. I have taken over 1,400 pictures of the foods I've eaten. For me, those pictures are proof that I'm alive. They are proof that I care who I am. For who could care about who they are without caring about what they eat? I am not an excellent cook nor do I excel at having a healthy diet but the foods I cook and eat are mine, this is true for everyone.
I will take a picture of every food I eat for the next 365 days and post it, here. This includes every non-pure water beverages as well. There may not be many people who care to see everything I eat and drink but the foods I eat will be here, as will I. Even though I'm about start saying a lot less with words, this blog is about to become a lot more personal. From now on, look to the comments section for notes about what foods are, how to make them and what they mean to me. If you want to know how I made something or why, simply ask and I will be happy to offer up an explanation of myself in the moment that I made or ate a food. However, my guess is that by visiting my blog and seeing my food, you will have insight into my life that my words couldn't give you. I am doing this is because I want that insight as well. I am doing this to actually see my life through food: the seasons, moments, moods, events, big changes, different places. Food can show me myself in a way that no mirror can. I am not lost to myself but there is always more to find and this search should be pretty interesting. So, starting tomorrow, look here for who I am through what I eat - everything. Don't worry, I plan to stay well fed for the next 365 days.
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